Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oh Technology

So the new patch is out... patch 3.1.0... introducing us to shiny new things like the Argent Tournament and Duel Specs and the BEAUTEOUS thing that is...the following clip.

EDIT - Oh it breaks the format!... *shrug*

This is so SEXY!!... and may I mention King Wrynn is still an asshole?

So here I am working on my new specs for each of my characters... and the patch is installing with no trouble up to 70% then...

"This Volume does not have enough space. Patch 3.1.0 requires 3 Gigs of space. This volume only has 2.12 gigs of free space. Remove some documents from this volume to continue."

The hell?

So good ol Zero - Named after Wing Zero Gundam... is having its hardware upgraded at the cost of a full day in the laundromat and cooking dinner for a week...because the roomie gets a discount at an electronics shop and knows how to do it....

But I find myself cut off now from the game... becuase the gorram game takes up all the gorram space! I calculated all the possible things to remove and well now I'm down to the absolute minimum... even took out media players and vent and stuff... but even with that done I don't have the remaining .8 gigs to remove to allow me to play wow.

Some of me realizes I may be a junkie - but I do have a lot of social contacts in the game (not to mention I wanna see the changes done and such) and now I'm cut off from those... and a very good way to pass a few hours having fun after a long day of job hunting and work.

So don't be suprised if this place gets spammed because well till the hardware gets here and installed... its all I got ta do.

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